Call Direct Line on their travel insurance general enquiries phone number 0345 246 8704 or dial the following international helpline +44 1252 740098 if you are facing an emergency from outside the UK and need to make a claim.
However, whether you are calling Direct Line on the UK or international helpline, you will be able to discuss the travel insurance claims process with a multilingual insurance representative, to enquire about the cost of protecting yourself on a journey to an overseas destination, or query the types of cover over the phone.
Travel Insurance General Enquiries – 0345 246 8704
You can phone the Direct Line travel insurance department on the following general enquiries contact number 0345 246 8704 for a quote on the cost of protecting yourself on a journey abroad. For instance, you can ask for a quote on a policy that includes both emergency medical cover, annual multi-trip insurance and cancellation protection. Notably, Direct Line can pay up to £5000 if an unexpected illness or unemployment force you to cancel a planned journey. If you are not a frequent flyer, and thus uninterested in an annual multi-trip policy, you may wish to enquire about single trip cover, where you can receive insurance for a holiday lasting up to 90 days. Notably, Direct Line will be able to provide quotes that are calculated on the age of the policyholder, whether they have any medical conditions and the amount of voluntary excess they are willing to pay. However for gap years and round‐the‐world trips that last between 3 and 18 months, you will have to be aged under 54 at the start of your policy to make a claim. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Direct Line travel insurance to enquire about the cost of personal belongings cover or to ask whether they offer policies to someone with a pre-existing medical condition.
Calls are charged at a standard local rate, meaning that you will be able to contact Direct Line Insurance at no greater cost of a UK geographic call and can do so for free if your tariff is bundled with inclusive minutes. However, international callers will have to use the overseas dialling code for the UK +44 1252 740098, which is charged at a significantly higher rate than a geographic phone call. The Direct Line travel insurance department is available to take calls during the opening hours of 8am‐9pm Monday to Friday, 9am‐5pm Saturday and 10am‐5pm on Sundays.
Emergency Claims – 01252 740 098
You can also phone the Direct Line travel insurance on their emergency claims number 01252 740 098 but may be best suited dialling the international helpline +44 1252 740098 if you are overseas at the time of your accident. If your claim has been approved, and you have successfully paid your excess, you can receive the necessary funding to pay for medical bills or to book an emergency flight home. Specifically, Direct Line travel policies carry a £50 excess for an annual policy, £75 for single trips and £75 for Discoverer insurance. Alternatively, if your destination hotel has been flooded or is any way unsuitable for habitation, you should contact Direct Line so that they can either pay for alternative accommodation or a flight home.
Complaints – 0800 051 0140
You are advised to call Direct Line on their freephone contact number 0800 051 0140 if you would like to register a complaint. If you are unhappy with the outcome of a claim, then your call will be put through to a claims advisor, but may have to write to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are unable to resolve the problem over the phone:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
E14 9SR,
United Kingdom.
You may also wish to contact Direct Line to cancel your policy outright, but may subject to further charges depending on the terms of your policy. Both complaints and cancellations can be processed when writing to the Direct Line postal address as listed below:
Claims Department,
Legal & General Assurance Society Limited,
City Park,
The Droveway,
East Sussex,
BN3 7PY,
United Kingdom.
Direct Line Travel Insurance – UK Contact Numbers
Helpline | Contact Number |
General Enquiries | 0345 246 8704 |
Emergency Claims – UK | 01252 740 098 |
Emergency Claims – Abroad | +44 1252 740098 |
Claims | 0345 246 8680 |
Complaints | 0800 051 0140 |