Change advances knowledge, grows economies, provides opportunity, and fulfills dreams. Our world evolves with the spirit of entrepreneurial acts, through commerce, service, community building, and individual interactions. Creating meaningful change takes vision, foresight, initiative, energy, and capacity. In addition, the world becomes more connected every day. Our global community strengthens as our access to one another is increasingly at our fingertips through technology, social media, and international experiences.
The Changemaker Legacy Award was created in order to recognize individuals who are making a meaningful impact in the world. The FGS Global ChangemakerLegacy Award recognizes FGS scholars who have widened their viewpoint through international experiences, and who have served others by designing, creating, and/or implementing a project or program to create positive change.
Congratulations to the following three winners of the 2014 Global Changemaker Legacy Award!
Click on a name to read about these three extraordinary changemakers who are creating a lasting legacy with their global involvement.